KIU Policies
During your days as a student, administrator or lecturer there will be situations in which you will need to follow procedures and know the rules, regulations, and policies that will affect you. Perhaps you will want to appeal a grade. Maybe your club or organization will want to use university facilities or sponsor a fund-raising drive or maybe you want to report an abuse. How do you go about doing these things? The answers are here, plus information on your student rights and responsibilities, the university’s responsibilities to you, and much more. Keep this material handy for easy reference, if you have questions or concerns regarding these or other policies, you should contact the Office of Students Affairs or
- Code of conduct at Kesmonds International University
- Ethics policy, applicable to both educators and learners. Documents have explicit expectations regarding academic honesty.
- Gender policy
- Academic integrity policies
- Leave policy
- Policy for sex- and gender-based discrimination, harassment, and misconduct complaints, and complaint retaliation
- Student transfer and credit transfer policy
- Library and equipment policy
- Policies, methods and principles adhered to when creating tests and exams
- Samples of videos, or demo links highlighting quizzes, assignments, or discussion boards within courses and trainings offered at Kesmonds International University
- Sample design of certificates at all levels and all programs
- Support request policies, procedures, steps, what to expect, and how issues are addressed.
- Policies on how to file a complaint, how the complaint will be processed, and what resolution they can expect at Kesmonds International University.
- Policies and procedures for verification of qualifications of lecturers, supervisors and skill trainers at Kesmonds International University
- A documented guide or manual that describes the approved teaching styles and methods endorsed by Kesmonds International University.
- Documented policies outlining each step of the hiring process, from job posting to onboarding at Kesmonds International University.
- Documentation, compliance report and records showing staff training on data protection best practices at Kesmonds International University.
- Confidentiality policies at Kesmonds International University
- Cultural and religious policy
- Diversity, inclusion, and cultural competence policy at Kesmonds International University.
- Descriptions or screenshots of online systems where learners or educators can report violations, reinforcing the institution’s commitment to address concerns.
- Alumni integration and support policy
- Innovation and entrepreneurship policy
- Visitor policy
- Research, dissertation and thesis evaluation policy
- Partnership policy
- Environmental protection policy
- Intellectual property policy
- Tuition policy
- Admission policy