Responsibility for the organization and governance of Kesmonds International University KIU rests with the Board of Directors headed by the chairperson. Directors exercise responsibility for the establishment of the basic policies that govern all KIU campuses, and meet on a regular basis to review the implementation of these policies. Board members are primarily concerned with the academic quality of the institution, and regularly review data that allow them to ensure that the institution meets the needs of the students and serves the public interest of the communities in which it is located. Directors are unsalaried and are reimbursed only for travel and related expenses in connection with their official duties.
KIU Administration
The authority to administer KIU has been delegated by the Board of Directors to the professional staff of academic administrators that KIU has retained for that purpose. The Chairperson (also called Vice-Chancellor) of KIU has the responsibility for ensuring that the institution achieves its mission through the effective and efficient management of its financial, human, and academic resources. The President is charged with overall responsibility for the administration of KIU, including the implementation of board policy at all campuses. Assisting the President in these activities is the President’s Council, headed by the Chairperson who appoints Deputy Vice Chancellors, Registrars, Deans, Heads of Department, Directors and Deputy Directors, which has shared responsibility for the administration of a number of key functions, including fiscal and property management, financial aid, student recruitment and services, information systems, institutional research, marketing, and development.
Chairperson Governing Council
Hon. Prof Dr. Henry N. Fonjock
Email: henryfonjock@kesmonds-edu.ac
Rector & President
Professor. Atanga Desmond Funwie
Email: atanga@kesmonds-edu.ac Â
Registrar & Director of Finance
Dr. Pauline W. Gitiha
Email: registrar@kesmonds-edu.ac Â
Director of Academic & Administrative Affairs
Dr. Eng. Anyangwe C. Anyangom
Email: academics@kesmonds-edu.ac
Technical Advisor for International Relations and Cooperation
Professor Christina Bright
Email: partnership@kesmonds-edu.ac
Senate President
Hon. Prof. Dr. Micheal Dickson
President Governing Council
Professor Mustaf M. Abdulle
Investment & Project Adviser
Dr. Michael N. Azefor (Retired World Bank Consultant)
Technical Advisor for European Affairs Â
Professor Truly Buch
Technical Advisor for Entrepreneurship and Business World
Bamai Namata
Technical Advisor on Legal Issues
Dr. Sylvain A. Njimoun
Technical Advisor on Governance
Senator Dr. Inna Samomsa
Technical Advisor on Corporations with NGOs & GOs
Mark Can Lain
Director Kesmonds Zambia & Kesmonds Research Institute
Prof. Lawrence Mwelwa
Email: zambia@kesmonds-edu.ac
Director Kesmonds South Africa & Institute for Intelligence & Security
Dr. Micheal Matakata
Email: southafrica@kesmonds-edu.ac
Director of Graduate Studies Research, Kesmonds Romania
Prof. Dr. Jean Ferica
Email: romania@kesmonds-edu.ac
Director of KIU Asian Division / Professional Development & Research Institute
Professor Zahir Shah
Email: pdri@kesmonds-edu.ac Â
Director International Institute for Ethical Governance and Accountability
Director of Ethics & Quality Assurance
Dr. Roger Latchman Â
Email: iiega@kesmonds-edu.ac
Director Institute of Law & Legal Studies /
Legal Advisor KGL & KIU
Dr. Bar. Aaron Michel Feugueng
Email: aaronmichel@kesmonds-edu.ac
Director of Public Relations, Partnerships & Affiliations
Nfon Sergius Nfon.
Email: partnership@kesmonds-edu.ac /
Assistant Head of IT, Web and Hosting Support
Eng. Vincent Inima
Email: inimavincent@kesmondsuniversity.org
System Administrator KIU /
Country Manager Uganda
Collins Mawa
Technical Adviser School of Health & Medical Sciences
Professor. Albert Ngakou Â
Email: shms@kesmondsuniversity.org
Technical Adviser School of Agriculture
Professor. Elias Nukenine
Email: savs@kesmondsuniversity.org  Â
Technical Adviser School of Arts & Social Sciences
Professor Hussein Tohow Farah
Email: sass@kesmondsuniversity.org  Â
Technical Adviser School of Business & Management Sciences
Professor. Daniel Tata
Email: sbms@kesmondsuniversity.org  Â
Technical Adviser School of Science Engineering & Technology
Dr. Eng. Joel Aita
Email: sest@kesmondsuniversity.org
Technical Advisor for Research and Professional Development
Professor Norbert T. Tchiadje
Email: research@kesmonds-edu.ac
Technical Advisor for Operations & Monitoring Adviser
Professor Gonnafela G Letlole
Email: partnership@kesmonds-edu.ac Â
Technical Advisor for Communication & Public Relations
Professor Miriam Ayafor
Email: partnership@kesmonds-edu.ac Â