Kesmonds International University & Green Hope University in Somalia have signed a decade academic partnership with exclusive representation in Cameroon and Somalia. The Mutual benefits of the academic partnership include (Dual Degrees, Joint Research & Publication, student & Staff Exchange, Internship, and industrial and hospital training). This partnership has been certified by the Somali Ministry of Education and Culture and attested at the foreign affairs bureau.  Green Hope University is a Satellite Campus of Kesmonds International University in Somalia Mogadishu-Somalia


Kesmonds International University and The Vocational & Training Institute of Kesmonds with Headquarters in Ngaoundere Cameroon have signed an academic and professional practice partnership. This partnership includes certification, professional skill training of Kesmonds Students, Internship, and industrial and hospital training. Bamenda & Ngaoundere Cameroon


Kesmonds International University and American Heritage University of Southern California, a for-profit college based in Southern California have signed an academic partnership. This partnership includes Dual Degrees, Joint Research & Publication, student & Staff Exchange, certification, industrial training, and internships.


California United States



Kesmonds International University and Gideon Roberts University with Headquarters in Lusaka Zambia have signed an academic partnership. This partnership includes Dual Degrees, Joint Research & Publication, student & Staff Exchange, certification, industrial training, hospital skill perfection and internships.


Lusaka Zambia


Kesmonds International University and The African Professional Certification Institute APCI with Headquarters in Nairobi Kenya have signed an academic partnership. This partnership includes certification, professional skill training of Kesmonds Students, Internship, and industrial and hospital training. Nairobi Uganda


Kesmonds International University and The Academy for Advance Studies (TAAS), a private Higher Education Institution, in London United Kingdom have signed an academic partnership. This partnership includes Dual Degrees, Joint Research & Publication, student & Staff Exchange, Internship, and industrial and hospital training.


London United Kingdom


Kesmonds International University and California University FCE have signed an academic partnership. This partnership includes Dual Degrees, Joint Research & Publication, student & Staff Exchange, certification, and authentication of Kesmonds Degrees California United States


St. Thierry Vocational Institute of Business Management, Science Technology, and Agriculture Cameroon is affiliated with Kesmonds International University. ST THIERRY HIGHER INSTITUTE (SHIHSAT) is a Non-Denominational Institution and Organization with the main objective being Empowerment and Education as the Main Keys to a Successful Life, hence the Motto Bamenda Cameroon


Kesmonds International University and BRAINAE University have signed an academic partnership. This partnership includes Dual Degrees, Joint Research & Publication, student & Staff Exchange, certification, and authentication of Kesmonds Degrees. Delaware USA


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