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The Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)

November 23, 2021

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Dear Partner,


The Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) promotes knowledge and experience sharing around practical and innovative solutions to address education challenges across Africa. During 2021, ADEA is running a three-part series high-level policy dialogue forum on “Rethinking the role of Skills Development in future work and lifelong learning, in light of digitalization and the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR)”. The first series, held in July, focused on technical and vocational skills development.


ADEA and its partners will hold the second high-level policy dialogue forum on “Elevating foundational learning as a pathway to skills development and lifelong learning through digitalization” on 23rd November 2021. The forum will look at (1) using evidence and data to inform decision making and investments on foundational learning, (2) early childhood development for strengthening school preparedness and readiness to learn, and (3) leveraging technology in structured pedagogy, and coaching and learning materials for improved learning.


We invite you to mark the date of 23rd November 2021 in your calendar in order not to miss out on this important event. More details about the forum, including the concept note and the agenda will be communicated in due course.


Registration link: https://afdb.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_j7BPxCn5T_Cj1MvPHDPfMA


Participation is open to everyone and we count on yours!


November 23, 2021
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